Lyrics to Gboriduro by Reminisce
t’oba dami oh wa je bi
wa jebi
t’oba dami oh wa je bi
wa jebi
[verse 1]
our love is under lock and key
more than what our eyes can see
what we never thought would be
onje ti jina come and eat
oya efile fawon sofo
always talking about what they dont know
ifemisihe ma loshe koko
mo duro re gallant bi mopo
orore gbemi lokan
o gbemi lokan gidigan
o gbemi lokan
o gbemi lokan gan
ife re fun mi trouble
o fun mi trouble gidigan
o fun mi trouble
o fun mi trouble gan
gboriduro, sho ma gboriduro
my baby gboriduro, gboriduro
sho ma mu’le duro, mu’le duro
iyawo mi mu’le duro, mu’le duro
ire sha la’yami oh, ayami oh
ire sha la’yami oh, ayami oh
t’oba dami oh wa je bi
wa jebi
t’oba dami oh wa je bi
wa jebi
i love you from the get go
and i am not ready to let go
ma fimile moti peleko
kajo mawo igburo pelu ilefo
t’oba dun yin, go and call police
but you already know this
ogede boli i will roast it
instagram photo lori post it
oro re gbemi lokan
o gbemi lokan gidigan
o gbemi lokan
o gbemi lokan gan
ife re fun mi trouble
o fun mi trouble gidigan
o fun mi trouble
o fun mi trouble gan
gboriduro, sho ma gboriduro
my baby gboriduro, gboriduro
sho ma mu’le duro, mu’le duro
iyawo mi mu’le duro, mu’le duro
ire sha la’yami oh, ayami oh
ire sha la’yami oh, ayami oh
t’oba dami oh wa je bi
wa jebi
t’oba dami oh wa je bi
wa jebi